Friday, August 20, 2004

Cliff: Hanging from a

Ok. That was scary. I just ate my entire Clif Bar and didn’t realize it. I mean, I was hungry. I made the decision to get it out of my purse. I opened the package, had fleeting thought of the trouble it took me to get the prized, my favorite, my precious, Black Cherry Almond Clif Bar, and took nummy first bite. Then went back to have more, and it was gone. I had consumed my entire Clif Bar (which, I would like to point out, is a meal Replacement bar). A Meal Replacement. Good for an entire meal. Enough energy, calories, protein to replace a meal. And I ate it all. Without realizing it.

Now I realize that this is not on the level of “Fat Girl Eats Own Arm to Survive.” But I am very disturbed, nonetheless. I am supposed to be watching what I eat. I am supposed to be losing weight. And already, I’ve had some candy from the evil candy dish, and then decided I was hungry – and ate my whole Clif Bar.


This job. I start to get busy and then get munchies and then before I know it, I’ve blown my diet. It’s supposed to be better here than at home. I’m supposed to be able to control my eating. Ha ha ha.

Will definitely work on it.

Dear J.

Get a clue!


Your Self.

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