Friday, December 09, 2005


I need to be different.

I cannot seem to be the person I want to be.

Who is it that I want to be? Well, just a better version of me, I guess.

I just had a new little spat with rm. So dumb. And when I say, “just,” I mean yesterday. Oh, well. I thought that I was the one who was wronged, and then I thought better of it. But I was still annoyed. Annoyed because I am a jackass? Perhaps. But there I was calling and leaving a message on rm’s cell phone. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

So the message? The message was about this book I was standing in front of, horrible though it was, that was completely stupid. The death of Christmas - how the liberals were destroying the Sacred Christian holiday.

I just need to be different. better. more.
and sooo much less.

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