Actually, I'm not in my neighborhood. I'm at the office. "HA!" you say, "You're a liar because you don't even have a job!" Well poo to you! Me mum called while I was working out (hehe 3 days in a row) and asked if I would come to the office for her. She fell 2 days ago and is too sore. (or depressed.) In reality, she's probably both.
I guess she is going to go for the franchise. That's ok. I had been worried about a couple of things - here's just a taste:
1) She doesn't always follow through. Is inconsistent and downright fibs when you call her on something that she's fallen short on.
2) I felt like my life was being decided for me. I'm going back to school. I'm doing what she wants. I bought a house because that's what she wanted.
3) Sierra Vista? Look it up. Shit hole in the middle of Nowhere, AZ.
4) Worse - I'll probably be stuck in Douglas. Mexican border, I don't speak Spanish and it is a totally low income, run down town. Actually, I haven't been there in a while, so perhaps I need to give it another try.
5) Even during off season, I'll have to have the place open 1 day a week. Humph - if there are 3, I'll have to be working in the southern part of the state for 3 days a week.
So here're my new (positive mantra) thoughts.
3 days a week working? That's 4 days off. That's not a bad life.
Spanish. I've always wanted to learn another language. And I've tried Spanish-took it in school. This time I'll have plenty of practice and a good motivator for sticking with it.
Sierra Vista isn't actually a shithole. It is quite nice and is growing. It just has NOOO nightlife. But during the season, I'll be too tired to go out and during off season, I can go into the city or travel up to Tucson with B for great friends and lovely nightlife.
Again, if I really hate it, I can sell the franchises- and it really isn't a bad life. Working 3 1/2 months a year (like a demon) but then only 1 or two days a week for the remainder. Piece of cake. If I can pay my bills, I've got a fab life in the making.
I haven't thought of a positive spin on number 1 yet. I just hope she follows through. She does really well during the season, so perhaps if I'm doing everything else - I'll have no worries.