Sunday, July 10, 2011

End of the Road, Jack - or day three a retrospective

I did Not Accomplish a Lot. I will tell you why. Four little letters.
L I F E or in my case l i f e.


I did go to dad's and make breakfast and then clean kitchen and I actually accomplished quite a bit. Well more than my 15 minutes there. Check Mark!

I did take girls with me. I love them and it was fun. Check mark.

I did go to grocery and buy the ingredients for dessert and salad. This was not on my list but I knew that I'd probably be doing this. But no check.

I Did swing by the bank and get cash for card to send. I forgot to buy card but had the idea that I should not purchase a card, but use one from around here. I did find a card (and got the cash) and I asked cousin's sister for their address so I can mail card/cash. Check mark.

I decided Not to go to DIY store - dad said he was going to and I decided to not stop him. He needs to do more stuff and I didn't need to do it. So score - and check mark because it was done.

I did not do red crate. I did not do 5 minutes in my room (yet-maybe). Sister called and is in the hospital. I did not go to aunt's with food I prepared - went to see my sister. I hope everything will be ok. I really do.
Life sometimes gets in the way of our intentions. That's why we have to continue to strive towards what we want / what we believe will make us happy. It's all we can do.

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