Yeah, I was thinking that I need to lose some weight. (Ha! Seriously.) And that if I begin right now, I have approximately seven months before the end of tax season. And maybe, just maybe, if I work my ass off (heee literally) I can lose a hundred pounds. (A 100 lbs.)
Yeah, that was yesterday and the day before. I was sincerely thinking that.
I went off sugar and stayed off for a week. Until last night and I had some cookies. Chocolate chip cookies. And today I couldn't shake the wanting of Cheetos. Bastard, that Chester Cheetah.
I went for a walk with Mc and the girls and the new girl. And this morning I went for a short but heaving chest/short of breath walk up a (slight) hill.
I'm *expletive* sad. Just sad. Depressed. I just saw my doctor and told him I was doing better on the medicine. And maybe I am. But I'm going to go and take the entire pill and see if it helps at all. Just too sad to function at this point.

Oooh! My cousin may be getting a new house. She's in escrow (I guess) and is just waiting for the pieces to fall into place.
And! I just bought her a Zombie Garden Gnome! I am so pleased. She really loves zombies and apocalyptical stuff, so I'm thinking that I've just purchased the perfect housewarming present. I hope I have, anyway.
I got it from Etsy and if you type in "garden zombie gnome" into google or etsy, you can purchase one too.
I had to use my credit card but hey, you only live once, right?
How do I stop from feeling this way?
Huh. That wasn't really helpful. I just typed "bereavement" into google and it came up with information - well, lots of information, but the top site talked about severe symptoms only lasting two months. Really, two? Yeah. That's an issue. Now I'm worried about that, too.
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