Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Brand New Day!

Yesterday was my first day at my new job! (I didn't really feel like the exclamation - but it did deserve more than a period.) My trainer loves me. It's true. Apparently when she interviewed me (as part of a panel) I was her first pick. And the only one who worked out. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't every one's first pick. I was just hers. Note to self: stop being so fabulous and modest. :)
ANYWAY. Yesterday was my first day at my new job! And my trainer loves me! I think I'm gonna super like it (although little sad face about the money). And I survived it on no sleep - a little (read: lot) of caffeine and some guts.
I learned about ACROSS ACOPPERSTATE - which are standards by which we test whether someone is an employee or not. It kinda made me sad because I should have studied more in school.
The ASU stuff was fine. And I learned a helluva lot at GCC but I think the stress of tax season and school and mom's illness robbed me of a lot of what I learned and could have retained. I sat there wishing I had studied more (bears repeating). And I think I got a high B or an A in that one semester. It was only later that I started falling apart with the stress.

Well, I'm awake again and would like to try to go back to sleep. I don't know if that's a stupid idea or whether I should just stick it out.

For the next two days in training I should have computer systems illustrations, etc (training). For two days! Either there's one helluva lot of crap to learn or I'm gonna be soo bored!

Going back to the school notion. I wonder if I should try to go back or if I should just lump it and try to muscle through. I have not a clue on this one. Probably means I'll just muscle through.

Perhaps I should try to lie back down. My thoughts are all jumbled and I'm really tired.
Here's hoping!

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