Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm still at it.

So. I got up and made one of my protein smoothies, which I call shakes. Like it bettah. Anyway. Yumm. This time I added a nectarine instead of the usual strawberries to round out the oj and bananas - and then added some strawberries (not many) to round it out, anyway. Seriously good.
I slept almost the entire night! But it was the whole I-don't-know-if-I'm-awake-or-asleep nights. I hate those. And woke up very tired. But I guess it's better than the I'm-definitely-awake nights that I have been having.
I took the doggies for a morning stroll. That's good. I'm feeling a little guilty about having a puppy and not having much energy for her. And b has slowed down since bshe got here. But I think overal she's happy to have someone (as bshe is totaly trying to engage b and b is trying to just turn away. eek.).
ANYhoo- my friend said she might read my blog and I was thinking this isn't so much a blog (think online log) as a online diary. So, with that in mind, let's get political. Anyone heard anything new about Palin, other than she's a completely inappropriate choice (or person, for that matter) who doesn't trust women nor apparently herself. wait! they totally took down the part where she was pregnant and started leaking amniotic fluid and kept giving her speech and didn't go to the hospital for like 10 hours AND flew from TX to WA to AK. Um, aren't you supposed to NOT fly that far along????!!
Bitch. Think of all those sad people on the plane who wouldn't have made their connecting flights if she had to spread out in the aisle.

I don't have time for this, but here's another link
and another. It's hidden somewhere in here:

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