Sunday, September 04, 2011

Day One (again)

Well, first off, I did Not take the walk. It was crazy hot. And I intended to do it tonight. I have not and now it is late and I am not. Nope. Oh, well.

I did have a nice dinner with nephew, Sister, Dad and nephew's - umm, friend? She was very nice and she seemed to like me - so she has EXcellent taste. yep. I'm *that* person. I did call G and go over to his house. We had some lunch and we played some Wii Mario Kart. I also saw an old friend (who's G's roommate's boyfriend). So that was actually expected. But still, good. I did do some laundry. I did run to the grocery - picked up some fruit and some juice. I did arrange to have lunch tomorrow with family - geez, that took a minute. Anyway, done.

I did Not do fifteen minutes in my room. I doubt I will do that, either. I sat here for the last 30+ catching up on twitter. My computer is THAT slow. I swear, McAffee *just* expired and now the computer will not go. It's worse than when a computer had acoustic coupling. Remember that? When you took the phone hand/head part and stuck it in the suction cup thingees (think War Games). What? *You're* the one that's old. You are! You Are!

I did take a minute and (not really) clean the fridge. Basically, I straighted it out and tossed some old yuck. It soo annoys me to have a fridge so full you can't find anything in it. I need some visual space in my fridge so I can find stuff and eat the goodness. Also gross!: Mc continually puts items in the fridge that have no cover. Just sticks a cut onion in there. A bowl of unknown sauce origin in there. I asked him nicely a while back - ummm, there are four mustards (all the same - plain mustard) in the fridge. Why do we have four mustards? (At the time there were three regular mayos (one in a gallon jar) and another olive oil mayo.) He replied, "There are?" He explained that he didn't know and he didn't want to run out.. etc. That he would combine them.
Still waiting on that.

Niceness: I discovered that I could loop my new silver chain around and use it as an anklet. I think I might just do that. :) --dumb, but I still think one of the sexiest things I ever saw was Kim Cattrall in Mannequin with the thick bracelet that she was wearing as an anklet. (showing my age.)

Today was mostly pleasant, but I'm no closer to redesigning my life. Although G and I did go to Home Depot where I eye humped some new lighting for the house. I think it's finally time to get rid of the 70's orange, spanish-inspired monstrosity in my entry way. I mean I like it, but I think it's time to move on.

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