Sundays are usually very busy because I get up a little later than normal and then go to my dad's to get him breakfast or to go out to breakfast (lately) and then go to the grocery and then prepare dinner for my aunt, dad and sister, if she decides to come. (I think that's the definition of a run-on sentence.) Anyway, it always takes forever because I don't know what I'm going to fix and so I wander around the grocery store for ingredients that should probably consist of staples and, therefore, I should have on hand but never do.
I try to get some laundry done because I don't/can't do laundry during the week because I'm on a special 9-9 plan with the power company to try to control costs. -Which should not really be a big deal because my current roommate (Mc) doesn't exactly keep normal hours, so he could, in theory, do his laundry during the week after 9 pm when I'm not even home. He does not. And so most weeks when I come home there is tons of laundry piled up guy-fashion in the machine so that I am unable to start mine. But he's normally cleared out by Sunday and so I begin.
Back to the Sunday conundrum. I, apparently, am trying to be a domestic goddess. And, truthfully, I don't understand why it's so difficult. It doesn't sound difficult. I used to make dinner all the time when I was "on program." (When I was eating a nutritionist-designed meal plan and creating healthy, yummy dinners for me and my roommate at the time, M.) And so it didn't used to be difficult, but let me tell you, it *really* is.
So I spend my day running here and there and shopping and cleaning and doing laundry and preparing food and packing and unpacking and cleaning over at my aunt's and cleaning over at my dad's.
This, by the way, is not for which I was asking the question about credit. That is a completely unrelated issue. After a short discussion with my father, we have decided to put the family business - the franchise really- up for sale. This FREAKS ME OUT. I don't know that this is my choice. But, I believe that if we put it up for sale and some one buys it - we get something out of it. I believe that if we do Not put it for sale and we decide to close, we get nothing. Nothing. I think the franchise just reverts back to the parent company. -- SO. I was going to call a trusted person and ask his opinion and ask if this line of thinking was correct. Because he's in the business. Oh, and by the way, I used to be totally, completely, fucking-insane in love with this man. So. I dialed the number - and felt completely ill. Just sick. But I pushed send anyway. The number says it is out of service. Not like - "it's broken and we'll fix it" out of service but "they don't have this phone anymore" out of service. But I don't know. I don't know if it's been temporarily turned off as that's the feeling the recording gave me or he quit his job and quit this phone six months ago.
That's what I think I should get credit for. I freakin' called someone I probably want to call but shouldn't call but really need to call. Like a grown up. And it wasn't *my* fault he didn't answer. I put the effort in. I want the credit. That's all I'm saying. Also. I called the number from two different phones, just to be sure.
Ok, I know you're waiting for it. The report on how my geekyNess went down. A and I did meet up with a very charming and polite man. (Although I must confess that his name reminds me of a serial killer's name - Or- Valdemort's real name. Oh! And he's British, so you know, there is that.)
He is married and his wife enjoys Fantasy/Sci-Fi and gaming as much as he does, apparently. Although, she was unable to come as she was in Italy. Oh, darn.
A and I drove to his house. I was particularly harried and concerned because I was running late and I hate, hate, hate being late. But we got there safe and sound and traveled to the Tucsons and went to the historic Fox Theatre and watched Serenity. And it was super-fun.
I especially enjoyed the Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. You could hear members of the audience singing the songs. It made me happy. The ending of Dr. Horrible always upsets me a little because I Always (ALWAYS) want a happy ending. I don't care how contrived the story has to be to get there, I just want puppies and rainbows ALL OF THE TIME. Yes. I *am* the target American audience. It's true.
A and I had a couple of drinks at the hotel lounge and then went back to the room and settled in and watched part of The Bourne Supremacy before nodding off.
A and I got up a little early, got ourselves set and had breakfast. We were completely ready, checked out and waiting for MWrit when he arrived. He's a super interesting guy who has among his hobbies taiko and amber gaming. Parts of this sound interesting to me. Parts sound hideously boring. I'll leave it to you to form your own opinion.
After leaving MWrit's home, A and I came the final trek home. We discussed things. I want to travel- pretty badly. And of all my friends, he seems the most likely well suited for such endeavors. However, he never has - so this could be complete conjecture. Problem is - isn't this the same problem we all have? - Finances. So, if he's really serious about going - he just needs to put money aside. That's all any of us has to do, really. Really. If you want A bad enough, you forgo B. Unless of course, B is eating, rent, gas money. Which, sometimes, it really, really is. I get that. I really do.
This afternoon, I sent A the link to the state department's website for first time passport applicants. I hope this works.
Oh! Going back a bit. Joss Whedon had a little intro clip about the fans of Serenity and what kind of good the fans are doing in the world - and what it means to be a feminist. Gawd Bless Joss Whedon. I'm just saying. Love that man. Crushed, crushed that he is married. Well, not really, but damn! she got a good guy!
So I'll put a little picture of the ceiling of the Fox Theatre here so that you can see A) what a terrible photographer I am and B) how lovely the ceiling was (although you won't be able to enjoy the light fixture but it was something).

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