I did go to the doctor. This went quite well. We (he) decided to put me on Seroquel. I was on it some time ago but got panicked and went off of it when was told there was a link between it and diabetes. And as I already have a hard-wiring for diabetes, I figured I didn't need any help getting there.
Only problem with the Seroquel. Freaking Pricey! $200 american, to be exact. This will take some adjusting to the budget, I can tell you.
I was having such a crap day, I attempted to cut it in half and take some early. It didn't cut exactly in half so I took the small half and went to bed -- for most of the afternoon.
You know what?????
Here. Go Here: http://thebloggess.com/2010/10/furiously-happy/
FURIOUSLY HAPPY! If you haven't read The Bloggess, what are you waiting for? Go! Go now!
And I'm tired and she's sooo much better than me and you MUST go read her, now!
Oh and she's very funny-- here's one so that you know she's HI Lar I Ous!
Actually! The bottom link is my act of being Furiously Happy! This is me deciding to be FURIOUSLY HAPPY and FUCK! all the bad stuff stirring around in my head.

Also, fuck. You will now go and read her (GOOD! Go!) but you will never come back to read me. Darn! Oh, well. Totally worth it, I guess. No. Totally Worth It! #FURIOUSLYHAPPY
And here is a picture that always makes me smile. I don't know who to give the credit to, but it was on a greeting card. Cutest Face EVAH!
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