Yeah, here's the thing: You won't find it interesting. Gawd, please let it be interesting. I am (drum roll) going to the Tucson Big Damn Shindig. Yep. You have no idea what that means, do you? Not sure that I do myself. BUT. I am going.

See Joss Whedon had a short-run tv series, Firefly. Fans liked it so much that years later he finally got to make a movie based on the tv series, Serenity. Now, I wasn't on board for the tv show. I remember A telling me about it and how wasn't that cool? And I was all. . . Yeah? But A and I went and saw the movie in the theater and I really did like it. So later I bought the series and watched it.
And then some random guy told me on a bus/shuttle thing about "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" and it sounded HiLarIOus. It is kinda great. Really, it is.

And this year I had the idea to buy A and G tickets to Phoenix ComicCon for their birthdays. (They are just days apart.) And there - among all the stuff - sat the Browncoats.
The Browncoats are fans of the series/movie. And once a year they have Can't Stop The Serenity (CSTS). That means once a year they put the movie in a real theater to see it on the big screen - AND all the proceeds go to charity. And Joss Whedon's favorite charity is Equality Now! Freaking Fabulous, yes? YES! A feminist charity for women (and all females). I could get on board with Joss Whedon!
So, A and I decided to go down and I signed us up to carpool hoping to meet people and bing-bang-boom. We are going to CSTS Tucson!
I am hoping that we end up meeting some people. And maybe make some friends. So far though, we have a maybe on the carpool as no one has signed up to go with us. I reached out to one of the other drivers to see if he wanted to go together and got a big, fat "maybe" from the deal.
Oh, well. I'm sure we will have a good time, I am not sure that we will meet anyone and expand our ever-shrinking horizons. I hope we do. I hope we meet people and make the kind of friends that I so desperately crave.
Here's hoping. Wish me luck!
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