Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Gawd - dammit it's 2006

Ok. So here I am. And it is 2006. And I've spent the better part of the last hour looking for this damn blog because it's been soo long that i couldn't remember my stupid logon or my password, and I figured that they (the lovely blogspot people) had just deleted it after so much misuse. So I created another site. blah blah. and then it hit me.. how to do it and then it showed me my stupid logon.
I like the name of my other blog. i was really looking for something to show that I could find the courage and fortitude within myself to make these great changes that i really want to make in myself.
I like to show in this blog just how uncomfortable I am in my own skin. And it's true. I'm extremely uncomfortable.
I also learned - I believe that perhaps I was one of the first to use the ending -Ness. like, uncomfortable - ness. I'm hungry-ness. etc. (MY personal favorite: I have to Pee-ness. HA!) But every other mo fo out there now uses Uncomfortableness like it's a real word. It isn't.
Please ! to those of you out there. BUY a DICTIONARY. Or go to Thesaurus.com. Very simple.

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