Friday, October 17, 2008

Still sick. boo hoo

Oh, well. Basic sickiness has moved down into my chest. Yay! Right. Anyway. Very tired. Couldn't get outta bed this morning. Have an appointment with doctor right after work. That should work out alright. Didn't really do my hair or makeup. If I'm suffering - everyone else does to. HA!

So. M and I want to go to Weezer at the fair. Groovy. But then, we've asked other people. Actually to be technical, she and her boyfriend decided to go and asked if I'd like to come along. I was all, Sure! Anyway. We asked others and now it's a big todo. Can't seem to arrange what everyone wants to do / when to go / how to get there. Etc. Etc. And yet, we used to do it all the time as youngsters. (hee. youngsters) Anyway. We decided it was because all the time we just did what the driver wanted to do. I was the driver. It was a simpler time. heee. Anyway. Lzj is being weird from her work - or it's just that she wants to do what she wants to do - or she's trying not to be weird because we've invited A also. And they kinda (but definitely don't) have a history.

Speaking of A, recently I had a dream about him. Nothing good or bad.. except we were waaaay more touchy-feely in the dream. I think I just need basic human contact. Always have. and until I get it.. my psyche (sp?) is going to make something outta nothing.
oh, well.

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