Monday, July 11, 2011

I did not forget this morning. And Review. Go!

I did not forget this morning. 

However.  Had I written a post this morning the intentions list would have been.

1)  To Survive the Day.

And as it is now the end of the day, I have survived it.  I didn't do much more than that.

I did get my toes done.  I did buy some lovely plants at Trader's while purchasing some flowers for my sister and take them to her in the hospital.  I did go to dad's (twice) and cook him and me breakie. 

Not on the list - or in any way productive:  watched the last two available episodes of Ruby.  Lay depressed in the bed, needing sleep and not getting any. Eat nearly an entire pie of the Orange Dream variety.

Not on the list but ok in my book.  Made the delish salad for Mc and myself.  Watched a documentary about juice fasting.  Am going to check it out.  Am super tired now.  Think I will go and actually get some sleep (?) hopefully.

I am going to start fresh tomorrow.  Dust myself off and start fresh.

Oh, and my nephew is a good boy (man).  I love him.

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