Sunday, July 03, 2011

Checking in and Continuing

So, just to check in. I *have* been trying to follow my milestone b-day edict and been doing a pretty good job of it too. Except for when I haven't. oh, well.
I feel just like whining. Whine, whine, whine. Without the wine.
Ready? Here I go.
Why does everything have to be so hard? I mean, really, why?
My addiction (to food) is out of control. My health is now - well, I'm still mostly ok, but I'm huge and I can totally feel it. My back hurts -- all of the time. I'm tired -- all of the time. Last night I was sick, which hasn't happened in a while. I made myself sick. I did. I was so miserable (and sick) that I excused myself and went to the restroom at the restaurant and then rushed home because then I really was sick. And did it here before collapsing in bed. Somehow, I've got to get myself under control. G asked if I had gone to the bathroom to throw up. I lied and said, "Not yet."
There are just so many things to stay on top of. I can't obsess about everything. I don't have that kind of mental capacity. I just don't. And so then things slide.

Oh, gawd. I'm tired of the whining already.

Ok then. We're done with that for the moment.

Let's look for positive things that we can do to help the situation.

1) Go buy healthy foods and lots of fresh fruits and veggies to help our insides feel good.
With that in mind --
2) STOP eating so much of our meals at restaurants. Too expensive! Too many Calories! Too much grossness! It's true. Just stop.
3) Keep up the MileStone B-day edict. It will help in the long run.
4) Try to work on your bedroom at least 15 minutes (of REAL work) a day. Just try one little section at a time. You will feel better. Do it! Do it! Do it!

You can do it!

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