Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm so fat. Today. And everyday. And as an added bonus: after yesterday's little tramp up and down, my left knee really hurt today. Only on stairs. Going up. Which apparently every time I feel the little grinding and take a step up, I burn 3 calories. That's the number my trainer at work gave me. I have no idea whether she knows what she's talking about or not. But I do know that she is against abortion. Her favorite color is purple. She's diabetic. She super-duper loves me. She's LDS. She volunteers. She gives her clothes to a lady at work that is less fortunate. She helps a clerical lady who is functionally illiterate at work.
What's up with the Blu-fLie dot com commercials? (I did it like that because I don't want to give them any publicity - or have them sue me and my fabulously popular blog.) Why is she naked? Who cares? Apparently no one if you're a skinny twig with tits. Let my fat ass get out there and they'd be stopping me for a "security issue."
What the hell do they sell anyway? Apparently they think they're in fashion. Ha! little joke.
I had drinks tonight. And a super fatty lunch. AND then on the way home I stopped and got a Jack-N-Crack new york style cheese cake. I was seriously counting my dollars (two) and all my change in my ashtray for money so I could buy it. It was a measely buck 59. Can you believe it? With tax, still way under 2 bucks. It's smaller than it used to be, but still waaay yummy.

I did good. This morning I got up and strolled with the doggies, took out the trash and cleaned (ever so slightly) on the yard. Good for me! But right now I should be cleaning in the house. My neck is sooo stiff and hurtie. Pilates could not come too soon tomorrow.

Anyone out there care about my exploits? No? me neither. hehe hehe hehehehe. hmmm. ok. well, good night sweet B, if you come and read my silly blog. Have a better day tomorrow. I'll call, k?

1 comment:

Beth. said...

I missed that last paragraph on Friday.

(Short attention span sufferer that late.)


There are online services that tell you how many calories per flight, depending on the stair count. Prolife Sulinda might be right about the 3 cals/step.