Monday, September 12, 2011

Health Insurance, lack of

Ummm. I don't know if I mentioned - BUT I DO NOT HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. America! We! Need! Universal! Health! Care! Get your heads out of your asses!

This is a recent event in my life - I have exhausted my cobra benefits that were costing me $638 a month. Actually, my mom was paying for that. And before her death we discussed her Not paying for that And me taking a pay cut. I had been worried that my pay would be affected come May 1. But later she told me she'd pay me through June and then we'd cut my pay. My cobra was due to expire in July - so I rationalized that she would have given me one extra month. So I took it. And starting in August 1, I no longer had health coverage but I also took a pay cut. I'm getting used to it.

I am deeply concerned about my mental health and I do not know how to get it taken care of. So, I am playing the waiting game. Part of the President's health care package that has already gone into effect is the pre-existing condition pool. You can get health care - at a reasonable price (to me) - if you have been denied health insurance. Kicker is: you have to be with OUT insurance for six months. So, one month down, five more to go.

Daily wrap up:

I Did:

  • get up

  • go to the grocery

  • make Dad breakie (cereal, but still)

  • get my garbage disposal fixed

  • go to the evil of evilest stores - and buy a mass of stuff (so no credit on this one)

  • take the girls with me to Dad's
I will still:

  • clean up kitchen
Ok. It seriously is going to be forever before I can go to bed - so I'm signing off.

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